Tentative Itineary Iran

This is probably the most ambitious itinerary I have ever put together.  No room for mishaps.Ganesh be with me!IRAN: ITINERARY-TENTATIVE ROUTE30 Day Visa – Overnights (#of days) with 20 days extended route in case of visa extensionApproximate Time Frame: Monday, March 8 through Monday, April 26      ** = Must seeArrive in Teheran (2) by plane from Dubai (1)1day Teheran (more later) (2)Trip planning and arrangement of tickets with Mozaffar’s officeGeneral Town and Museums (Northern Part)Transit to Kashan (3) from Teheran via bus or train (3)Exploration of Kashan (4)Madrasa and PalaisDay excursion to Abyaneh (5) via busInteresting village architectureSasanid fire sanctuaryReturn via Bagh-e-Fin by bus – stop if time permitsGardens and historic HammanTransit to Esfahan (4) from Kashan via bus (6)Three day Exploration of Esfahan (**) (7,8,9)Numerous mausoleums, mosques, palacesTransit to Yazd (3) from Esfahan via bus (10) Note:                Yaruz March 21-24Two day Exploration of Yazd (11,12)                                         Travel may be delayed!Desert architectureZoroastrian Towers of SilenceTransit to Bam (2) from Yazd via train or bus (13)Exploration of Bam (**) (14)Medieval fortress of sun-dried bricks/earthquakeTransit to Kerman (3) from Bam via train or bus (15)Exploration of Kerman (16)Bazar, city and Ethnological MuseumExcursion to Mahan (17) via busParadise Park, MausoleumTransit to Shiraz (7) from Kerman via plane (18)Two day exploration of Shiraz (**) (19,20)Overnight excursion to Persepolis (**)/(1) via bus (21,22)Day excursion to Bishapur (23)Mountain reliefsDay excursion to Firuzabad (24)Circular village with mountain reliefs, palaces, Sasanid cityDay excursion to Naqsh-e-Rostam (25)Transit to Teheran (2-4) from Shiraz (26)Visa extension requested – check in with Mozaffar’s office (27)General Town + Museums (Northern Part) (28, 29)Rebook flight in case of Plan B via TurkeyPlan B: Departure from Teheran to … Turkey? – if 30 day visa expires (30)Plan A: Receive 20 day visa extension and continue West:Transit to Tabriz (3) from Teheran (31) via planeExploration of Tabriz (32)Covered bazar, museum, mosqueDay excursion to Kandovan (33) via busVillage cut out of native rockDay excursion to Jolfa (34) via busArmenian monasteryTransit to Ardabil (3) from Tabriz via bus (35)2 day exploration of Ardabil (**) (36,37)Sufi Monastery, mausoleumsTransit to Rasht (4) from Ardabil via bus (38)Visit Majid’s family in Kalachay/Kalayah? (39) If public transportation allows, stay with Majid’s family instead of in RashtDay excursion to explore Rasht (40)Port and Swamp area. Explore by foot and boatDay trip to Masuleh (41) via busUNESCO recognized villageTransit from Rasht to Hamadan (2) via plane (42)Exploration of Hamadan (43)Largest Jewish settlement and Mordechai/Ester MausoleumCircular city planTransit from Hamdan to Khermanshah (3) via plane (44)Day trip to Bisotum (**) via bus (45)Darius Rock Relief and others in both places (Bisotum and Taq-e-Bostan)Day trip to Taq-e-Bostan (**) via bus (46)Transit from Khermanshah to Ahvaz via plane and on to Dezful (3) via train (47)Day trip to Choga Zanbil (**) via bus or train (48)Ziggurath !Day trip to Susa via bus or train (49)Ruined palace cityTransit from Dezful to Teheran (2) via train (50)Departure from Teheran via Frankfurt to Detroit by plane on Monday, April 26th