Day 88 It happens!

SYNOPSIS:  It happens.  I had a migraine headache and spent most of the day in bed.  A fifty meter radius.I woke up mosquito bitten and with a violent headache which would not lift even after a few pills from my travel pharmacy.  But since I woke up in a real bed with a thick mattress, and two soft pillows, it was not so bad that I had to spend most of the day in bed.   It was a quiet day.  In my mini-badgir (wind tower) two doves are nesting.  They were my companions for the day.The receptionist at the hotel was kind enough to allow me the use of his computer for a few minutes.  That allowed me to post yesterday’s blog and kept me within a 50 meter radius of my room.  In the afternoon I felt much better.  I ventured out for two hours to visit some of the very famous Qajar era mansions in town and I laid out a travel route for the last 10 days of the trip.  I will be heading North-West to Tabriz after a very brief stop in Teheran.  I am looking forward to some unique villages and to taking the train!   But more on all of this later.Good night.

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