After 16 years of teaching at WCC, I received my first sabbatical. It is the most exciting reward I can think of and I still can't quite believe it! What's a sabbatical, a friend asked? It comes from Sabbath - the biblical day of rest and therefore often is granted in seven year intervals. It has other references in the bible related to farming - leave a field barren for a year every seven years, to replenish the soil. And in university settings it's often given to faculty for alternative assignments, research, publishing, etc. and can last up to a year. My sabbatical is for four months. My plan is to travel to Egypt, Israel, and perhaps Turkey to round out the exploration of the Middle East which I started in 2003. In January, I will prepare my trip and read. In February of 2011, I will re-activate this blog again and I hope that some of you will be back to check in once in a while and to give me company on the road. See you soon. Happy holidays in the meantime. ET