

SYNOPSIS: This is the continuation of an earlier post.  It has no relevance to real events.  It's just my agnostic way of taking care of spiritual needs.

With St. Christopher, Bhaisajyaguru, and Ganesh in tow, there is a powerful pantheon at hand.  But I really took pleasure in traveling with my virtual female companion Scheherezade last year.

I have chosen the one who will come with me this year:  Maat. The Egyptian goddess of righteousness, justice, balance and cosmic harmony.  What could be more fitting in light of current events, and in light of my overall cultural mission!  This ancient goddess has been around since the old Kingdom.  If you followed her path, eternal life was yours.  Pharaohs were inspired by her powers and took guidance for their rule.  Those who went against her, faced death in contrast to the after- and eternal life that awaited the righteous. 

I hope that the Egyptian people in their uprising  and protests will be guided by her powers once again.

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