IRAQ:  TENTATIVE ITINERARY Time Frame:  Sunday, April 3 through Monday, April 19 Arrive Baghdad (2) by plane from Istanbul (1)Arrival 6 AM with TK 0802.  Pickup arranged through Ministry of Tourism.Afternoon excursion. (1)  Tel Harmal (Saduppum),Baghdad city tour:  Khadimain/Kazimain Mosque, Souks, Abbasid Palace,National Museum (2) and more.Transit from Baghdad to Erbil/Arbil (2) by bus. (3)On the way:  Samarra Minaret, Palace, Citadel. (3)Erbil city tour and excursion to Mar Matta Deir, Monastery (near Mosul).  (4)Transit from Erbil back to Baghdad (2) by bus. (5)On the way:  Assyrian Nimrud, Mar Benham Monastery, Tikrit, and Assur/Ashur. (5) Excursion to Ctesiphon (Arch) and Seleucia (Tigris). (6) Transit from Baghdad to Kerbala (2) by bus. (7)On the way:  Babylon, Hanging Gardens, and Borsippa. (7)Excursion to Ukhaidier (Palace), Al Tar Caves and the Christian Monastery. (8)Visit of the Kerbala Shia Shrine for Hussayn and Hassan. (9)Transit from Kerbala to Najaf (1) by bus (9)On the way:  Ke Khifal/Al Kifl (Ezekiel Shrine) and Kufa (Palace and Mosque?). (9)Visit of Najaf Shrine of Imam Ali (9)Transit from Najaf to Samawih (1) by bus. (10)On the way:  Summer, Nippur, Larsa (?), and Uruk (10)Transit from Samawih to Nasariyah (1) by bus. (11)On the way:  Ur (Ziggurat, Tombs), Eridu, and Tel Ubaid. (11)Transit from Nasariyah to Basra (2) by bus. (12)On the way:  Marsh Arab Area, Adam’s Tree. (12)City tour of Basra.  (12).Excursion to Shatt Al Arab.  City Tour (13) Transit from Basra to Baghdad (2) by bus. (14)City excursion Baghdad.  (15)Departure from Baghdad to Tel Aviv by plane. (16)9:15 AM TK 0803 Baghdad to Istanbul.  4:45 PM TK 0788 Istanbul to Tel Aviv. Missing: Mosul (Christian Churches, Yayah ibn-al Qasim’s Tomb, and Museum).