As readers can see, Elisabeth's blogsite has been hacked.  If you are subscribed to the email notices that invite you to follow a link to new posts, best to not follow them, as you will arrive instead to a gonopodial performance-enhancing emporium.  Better just go to the home page ( ) independently.  Clicking on some of the daily blog photos to enlarge them may also lead astray.  Unlike viruses, hacking is a complex affair and difficult to cure.  It may take some time until the blogsite is cleared. Elisabeth is currently away from electricity for about a week (oh dear, a pun), but she has stacked up about as many days of posts, which I will schedule and publish.  They will appear as if they are posts from dg, but they're really from Elisabeth. ADDENDUM: I forgot to mention that if you paste the full URL for this site into an email message to someone, your browser will probably turn it into a clickable link and your message may bounce back to you, marked as SPAM. David 

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