SYNOPSIS:   About a faux pas in transit.  About the JR rail pass.  About really fast trains.  About looking up (roofs) and looking down (bows).  All the images are details of roofs in Japan.  Just enjoy.

It was actually during the last trip from Osaka to Tokyo that I almost got myself into real trouble getting on one of those very, very fast trains that my rail pass does not cover... But I ran out of time to write about it then. And it looks like, I still have not found time to write about it... I am so sorry. I am really swamped right now.

I also have been wanting to write about bowing in Japan. It's everywhere — I mean everywhere.

And as much as people look down (while bowing), you should not forget to look up, a lot, in Japan to see the amazing care that has been put in creating roofs. I photographed them everywhere. From palace roofs to temple roofs, to middle class neighborhood roofs. I hope you will enjoy some of the more fancy roof details. I wish we could at least get tiled roofs in the States!

Got to run!