This blog on Pakistan is in the making now, more than 3 years after the trip.  I knew nothing of a blog in 2007 and I kept only a skimpy diary.  But just recently I looked over all of my 3000 photographs (nothing in comparison to the number I have shot on more recent trips) and I decided that it would be a fun project to fill in the two Middle Eastern trips that I undertook before starting this blog (Pakistan in 2007/08 and Jordan in 2002/03).  The entries are posted in the actual chronological order.It was amazing how many details, feelings, impressions, and conversations returned to my memory while looking at the images and while writing this blog.  This may not be as immediate as some entries from recent trips which were written usually on the same or the following day, but I hope that this blog will live up to being an informative and hopefully also entertaining tool in understanding one of the more inaccessible countries in this region.When I prepared this trip everyone I talked to had without fail the same reaction:  Why Pakistan?!  Why now?!  So prevalent were the questions that I used the phrase for my public talk about this trip which I gave during the following semester.  My son, film maker, photographer, artist, Martin Thoburn designed a wonderful poster for the talk which is depicted here.  I am not a pessimist, but the reason why I decided to go to Pakistan before many other countries was that I had the distinct feeling that things could only progress towards the worst.  In hindsight I was right.  I wish I could go back to Pakistan one day to revisit some of the wonderful friends I made there.  But I am not sure that this will ever happen.In part, as a tribute to the incredible historical sites and the wonderful people of Pakistan who are faced with more and more problems as time goes on - this blog is for you!  ETI apologize, but the completion of this blog will probably take a long time.  I appreciate your patience.