A heartfelt thanks goes three ways this time:  First to David, my dear partner and friend in life for editing and scheduling posts and for keeping you all informed throughout this rocky ride.  To Corey, my wonderful assistant at WCC who linked a lot of places and concepts to online sources to make this blog an educational tool and to allow readers to dig deeper.  And to Martin, my lovely son, who worked hard with some of the WCC staff to debug this post when it got hacked.  Thank you for helping me to put this all together! I hope to have some of you back next year. Subscribe to the blog if you want to get notifications when new posts start again.  In all likelihood, the blog will be dormant for about a year.  I don't know yet, where I will be going, but I am sure there will be a place troubled enough to beckon me.  And finally:  Thank you all for reading!  ET

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