On Saturday, March 22 at 2 PM, in Towsley Auditorum at the Morris Lawrence Building at Washtenaw Community College, I will be giving a public lecture on my trip to Mali in 2013, entitled "From WCC to Timbuktu".  I hope that some of you will be able to come. This talk will illustrate the rich and unique cultural heritage of  Mali, but it will also touch on some of the personal challenges I had to overcome during this trip.

This event is taking place in the context of "Free College Day", an event showcasing the college through various lectures and hands-on experiences happening throughout the day.  Since the college is planning a reception with some take-home gifts, you are strongly encouraged to register for this (free) event.  Please spread the word and bring some friends.  Here is the link to registration.  Click on "reserve a seat"

I thank you very much for your support.  I hope to see you there!  ET